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This section aims to give you a better understanding on how the Predictive FLOWBOX® solution is structured and how it can be deployed within your network depending on its topology.

Applicative architecture

Predictive FLOWBOX® Applicative Architecture

Predictive FLOWBOX® Devices connect to MQTT broker to publish or to retrieve messages from MQTT topics:

  • When they publish a message, the message will then be consumed by the Predictive FLOWBOX® Core
  • When they retrieve a message, the device will get it and perform the related actions.

Users will access the Predictive FLOWBOX® WebApp from their computer via a Reverse Proxy on a HTTPS endpoint. Predictive FLOWBOX® WebApp will then access to the Predictive FLOWBOX® Core component. It’s the same principle for API or mobile application access except they will directly access the Predictive FLOWBOX® Core component.

Predictive FLOWBOX® Core component handle all the business logic:

  • User authentication and authorization management,
  • Device management
  • Access to information
  • Interacts with Predictive FLOWBOX® Devices via MQTT topics and the MQTT broker
  • Interacts with the Predictive FLOWBOX® Mobile App and Predictive FLOWBOX® WebApp to provide requested information to users
  • Interacts with the Machine Learning / IA component
  • Store data in two databases:
    • Management database: dedicated to configuration management, user management, etc.
    • Metrics database: dedicated to Predictive FLOWBOX® Devices metrics (temperature, flowmeter pulses, aggregates, etc.)

The Machine Learning / IA module (ML/IA) will compute data from the metrics database and provide results to the Predictive FLOWBOX® Core component, which will then display results to end users or send instructions to Predictive FLOWBOX® Devices.

System/Infrastructure Architecture

Predictive FLOWBOX® System Architecture

The Predictive FLOWBOX® Application is deployed outside of your network (SaaS model):

  • Users access the Predictive FLOWBOX® Application from their browser via Internet
  • Predictive FLOWBOX® Devices connect to the Predictive FLOWBOX® Application via internet

Communications between components are encrypted.

Two deployment models can be defined:

  • Shared instances (multi-tenancy) : it's the default configuration
  • Dedicated instances per customer : please contact us for further details.

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